Game of Love follows Vivien (Bella Thorne) and Roy (Benjamin Mascolo) as their love story continues and leads them to Roy's childhood home in Sicily to prepare for the sale of the family estate. During the visit, a mysterious woman arrives and befriends Vivien, much to Roy's displeasure. Tensions build and lines are crossed as secrets from Roy's past force the couple to face aspects of their relationship they did not know existed.
/Patrick Dickinson
/格兰特·布朗,Robyn Grace,托马斯·简
Six months on, Ted (Jane) and Amanda (Chamoun) investigate a bizarre local murder and an exotic drug ring, whilst Amanda tangles with an old enemy and a new love, and Ted’s past stalks him and his family to Crimson Lake – with deadly consequences.
/Alessandro Genovesi
Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at seventeen years old, the time has come for Nica to leave fairy tales behind. Her biggest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have started the adoption process and are ready to give her the family she has always wanted. In her new home, however, Nica is not alone. Along with her, Rigel, a restless and mysterious orphan, the last person in the world Nica would want as an adoptive brother, is also taken from the Grave. Rigel is intelligent, smart, plays the piano like an enchanting demon and has a beauty that can enchant, but his angelic appearance conceals a dark nature. Even though Nica and Rigel are united by a common past of pain and hardship, living together seems impossible, but kindness and anger are two different ways of fighting pain to stay alive and to conceal the emotions that devastate their hearts, becoming for each other that tears-maker of legend. To the maker of tears you cannot lie: and they will have to find the courage to accept that desperate force that attract them towards each other called love.
/Frédéric Tcheng
第一部纪录Raf Simons 入主巴黎老牌时装屋Christian Dior 迪奥的纪录片将于4月17日Tribeca Film Festival 翠贝卡电影节期间作全球首映,并参与Tribeca 翠贝卡世界纪录片竞赛单元。 名为《Dior et moi(英译Dior and I,中译Dior 与我)》的纪录电影追踪了Raf Simons 加盟Christian Dior 迪奥后创造首个高级定制系列的全过程。由Frédéric Tcheng 执导的该片让外界得以窥视一个时装系列诞生的背后,一群热忱、迷人和幽默的协作者之间对工作的真挚投入,是对高级时装屋作坊中的裁缝们的生动致敬。
根据同名小说改编:1957年平安夜一名德哈维兰吸血鬼的飞行员回家的故事,他的飞机在从德国北部的皇家空军赛勒到萨福克郡的拉肯海斯的途中遭遇了完全的电气故障。由于迷路于雾中,燃料不足,他被一架二战时期的德哈维兰蚊子战斗轰炸机的飞行员接见并带(或护送)到英国皇家空军的一个废弃的分散场,飞行员显然是被派来引导他的。 他试图为最终获救找到一个合理的解释,这和他的经历一样麻烦。然而,在他降落在机场后不久,虚构的英国皇家空军明顿,他得知他的救星是约翰尼·卡瓦纳,一个战时英国皇家空军飞行员,他曾驻扎在明顿,并曾引导残废的轰炸机回家。吸血鬼飞行员还了解到,卡瓦纳在最后一次任务中,即1943年圣诞夜,也就是整整14年前,在北海上空失踪。
Hidden Kingdoms is an innovative new series from the BBC's Natural History Unit. For the first time it takes the viewer into a unique and unexplored miniature world, immersing you into the action-packed lives of the planet's smaller animals. Based in six of the planet’s most iconic landscapes: the open plains of Africa’s savannah, Arizona’s desert, the forests of Borneo, the woodlands of North America and the urban jungles of Rio and Tokyo. We’ll experience and see these habitats from a new visual perspective, pushing between blades of grass will feel like journeying deep into the densest jungle, while running from a hunting lizard will feel like a visit to Jurassic Park. This is a different approach to a traditional wildlife series. Based entirely on biologically accurate behaviour, it employs a unique range of filming techniques and constructed storytelling to recreate these animals' own distinctive perspectives and to illustrate the dynamism of their lives. Journey behind the scenes with Hidden Kingdoms to explore some of the techniques used to create this unique viewpoint, and why they were so important when revealing behaviour never before filmed.
EP01 THE VANISHED CITY OF THE PHARAOH 皮拉美西斯(Piramesse),古埃及首都,由法老拉美西斯二世(Ramesses the Great)于3000年前建成。当这座失落的城市被发现时,考古学家感觉相当困惑,因为拉美西斯二世根本不可能在此处建城。本片重现了古埃及以及早期考古学家活动的场景,让我们跟随现代考古学家Manfred Bietak与Edgar Pusch的脚步,看他们如何解释皮拉美西斯消失的原因以及为什么数千年后它会出现在错误的地方。 EP02 THE CURSED VALLEY OF THE PYRAMIDS 在秘鲁北部兰巴耶克(Lambeyeque)山谷中,有将近250座用泥砖兴建的金字塔。很久以前兰巴耶克人存在着莫明的恐惧,他们认为建造金字塔是他们存活的关键。在一座名为Tucume的城市中,26座金字塔并排耸立,这是这个文明消失以前最后建造的金字塔,也是整个文明的顶峰。 是什么样的恐惧让这里的人们建造了如此多的金字塔,它们有什么样的功用,为什么整个文明突然之间消失?考古学家在废墟中发现了大量活祭的牺牲者,跟随这些线索,Tucume城的黑暗历史展现在我们眼前。 EP03 THE DARK LORDS OF HATTUSHA 赫梯(Hittite)是位于小亚细亚的文明古国,崛起于公元前2000年,最初是由讲赫梯语的赫梯人和迁来的讲涅西特语的涅西特人组成。公元前15世纪末至前13世纪中叶的新王国时期是赫梯王国最强盛的时期,这一时期编制了《赫梯法典》。在国王苏庇路里乌玛一世统治时期,赫梯摧毁了由胡里特人建立的米坦尼王国,攻占了米坦尼王国的首都瓦努坎尼,扶持了傀儡国王。他自己的儿子也成为其他一些小国的国王。 赫梯在新王国时期在叙利亚同埃及进行了争霸战争。霍连姆赫布、拉美西斯一世、塞提一世、拉美西斯二世这些埃及第19王朝前期的法老们同赫梯进行了激烈的争夺。交战双方在卡德什(Kadesh)战役中受到惨重损失。在赫梯新王哈图西里二世执政时,赫梯同埃及的拉美西斯二世在公元前1283年缔结了和约。公元前1246年,国王哈图西里三世采取和亲政策,将自己的一个女儿嫁给埃及的拉美西斯法老。后来发现于埃及卡纳克庙宇墙上的一幅雕刻,就描绘了当时埃及法老迎娶赫梯公主的情景。 公元前13世纪末,“海上民族”席卷了东部地中海地区,赫梯王国亦被其肢解。公元前8世纪,残存的赫梯王国被亚述帝国所灭。 1834年,法国人查里·特克思尔发现了消失已久的赫梯王国首都汉梯沙(Hattusha)。如今考古学家已经从这里发掘出许多遗迹,包括坚固的城墙、秘密隧道、神庙、宫殿、一座大型的仿金字塔建筑以及古代世界最大的图书馆之一。 本片重现了失落的赫梯王国,讲述赫梯王国兴起至毁灭的全过程。
1995年,由马特•巴恩斯中尉(沙利文·斯特普尔顿 Sullivan Stapleton 饰)领衔的海豹突击队五人小队前往萨拉热窝进行一次对当地军阀头目进行绑架的英美联合行动。任务顺利完成后,小队队员之一的斯坦顿•贝克(查理·比尤利 Charlie Bewley 饰)在机缘巧合之下从女友劳拉(西尔维娅·侯克斯 Sylvia Hoeks 饰)口中得知了在当地的一处大湖的湖底沉淀着27吨纳粹遗留的黄金。劳拉希望得到黄金,用一半来救助自己的国家,另一半当作小队的酬劳。马特欣然接受了这个提议,但正当他们即将开始行动之时,满腔怒火的军阀头目副手彼得罗维奇(克雷蒙斯·施伊克 Clemens Schick 饰)也正酝酿着自己的复仇计划......
被丈夫抛弃的现实凯西(詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)倍受打击,每一天,只有在酒精的麻醉之下,她才能抵挡内心所遭受的痛苦的煎熬。这样的凯西日渐消沉下去,对自己和周遭发生的任何事情都不再关心,直到有一天,她收到了来自地方治安官的通知,她所住的房屋即将因为欠税被公开拍卖,而凯西竟对此毫不知情。 艾米尔(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)一家人成为了凯西的房子的新主人,当他们怀揣着对未来的美好憧憬准备入住之时,面前出现的却是一个暴怒而又神经质的疯癫女人。一个人为了保护自己的家庭,一个人为了保护自己的回忆,当这两个人站在对立面之时,善恶已经无法再被明确的分辨,只知道,悲剧近在眼前。